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Wonderful World
Dayhome | Preschool

A Place to Learn  |  A Place to Discover  |  A Place to be Loved

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About Us

Our full-service childcare and learning centre has taken the most popular pre-school learning approaches and uses a blend of those teaching methods to give every child skills that will last a lifetime.


•           Play-based learning: learning built around uninterrupted blocks of play time.

•           Curriculum-based learning: learning focused on academic skills.

•           Theme-based learning: learning based on weekly themes.

•           Experiential learning: learning based on practical outcomes.

Child care is often the first introduction to a school environment and we aim to help support and create a healthy transition to Kindergarten by building confidence and maximizing potential.

We recognize choosing our learning centre means we are the beginning of their journey to becoming life-long lovers of learning. 

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