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Our Family

Our Family is Our Team


Monalyn Alonsabe aka Aunty Mona


Possessing a contagious enthusiasm, a nurturing personality and hands-on approach towards learning, we are thrilled to have Monalyn as our leader. Her warmth, creativity and drive makes her a perfect fit for Wonderful World.


Monalyn is formally trained in health care, having successfully completed a four year Bachelors Degree in Nursing, her program and years have been assessed and accepted in Canada. She has always had a drive to be a caregiver and has over 10 years experience caring for multiple children. 


YES - CPR Certified

YES - Background Check Complete


Nisha Tailor aka Mama-T

Mother of the House

A blessed and proud mother of twins, a daughter, a wife, a sister and a woman who is far from perfect. 


Between being a mother and having a full-time job, Nisha always does her best to find a reason to smile, laugh and appreciate everything she has. 


A giver at heart she has been a long time plasma donor with Canadian Blood Services and also volunteers at two local animal shelters as a foster parent to dogs waiting for their forever homes.


Motto: Love what matters.


YES - CPR Certified

YES - Background Check Complete


Rakesh Tailor aka Mr. T

Father of the House

"Why don't eggs tell jokes? They'd crack each other up."


Bad dad jokes aside, Rakesh is an extraordinarily doting father who showers his twins with attention and affection every opportunity he gets.


He is a kid at heart and we are sure you will find him spending time with the twins in the dayhome, attending regular outings to the library or play groups and is one of our regular field trip drivers.


Professionally, Rakesh is a dedicated and trusted optometrist here in Calgary and has been with Dr. Bishop and Associates since 1997.


YES - CPR Certified, Health Care Professional

YES - Background Check Complete

Our Team: Our Team
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